
Once upon a time, this blog was born as a place to showcase my poetry and my photography and show the world what a talented artist I am. But along the way, I started babbling about makeup, clothes, and hair as well as uploading the occasional picture (and babbling about how I took them). I also stopped writing poetry entirely. So at age 45, I’ve embraced my lack of focus and combined my love of fashion and photography with my impressive ability to go on and on about nothing important for paragraphs at a time.  Now I write about my adventures in fashion, makeup, and hair as well as photography; unfortunately I’m not  all that adventurous, so most of my posts are about shopping and taking pictures around the house. I also do the occasional review of whatever products I find out there that I like – be it photography gear, software, wigs, or fabulous shoe stores. I used to review wigs on YouTube but took my videos down because they drew too much attention, but I’ve put a lot of my written information up here also. I like to talk about process and how I achieve whatever it is I wanted to achieve in a given day. Oh, and I love taking photos of airplanes. Feel free to browse around if any of this sounds remotely interesting.

31 thoughts on “About.

  1. Hi Marey….. It’s been a long time and your blog has changed so incredibly since my last visit. It’s nice to find your artistic side still shining so brightly. Sad though that you’ve lost your flare for poetry – as I’ve always found your talent riveting. I stopped by today because I remember once you were playing around with videos and you had found a website of royalty free videos – I remember specifically your video of a train ride in black and white, with sullen faces through out, I think probably taken during the depression. Do you recall that website? I’d like to find a couple of videos for my own poetry…

    • Hi there! Yeah, the poetry just got too hard for me to do for some reason. Right now it’s photography but who knows, I may get back to it someday. It just quit calling to me.

      As far as the videos, I used the Prelinger archives, which can be found here: https://archive.org/details/prelinger

      Quite an awkward site to navigate, but somewhere in all that I managed to find some real gems. Good luck to you! I need to be sure to see what you come up with,

  2. Your wonderful wig reviews are changing my life! Thank you! Would it be possible for you to share where to look on ebay for wigs you decide to sell? I’d like to see your offerings on a regular basis. Thanks again. Andrea from Ontario

  3. Your reviews are great! Been watching/reading your work for a long time. The Renau Elle looks fantastic on you. Beautiful — especially the shaded peach. Cheryl

  4. Hi Cynthia,love your website! Read the post of the Noriko May where you changed the parting with steam! I’ve got this wig too+have the same issue, can you explain how to go about doing this or is there a video on your site( haven’t been able to find one)! Would really appreciate your help, don’t want to jump in and ruin my new wig! Thanks Christine.

    • HI there – I watched one of Patti’s Pearls videos on YouTube. I don’t recall which one but if you go to her site and search for ‘steam’ or something like that you should be able to find it. I would recommend getting a cheap wig and trying it out on that first before steaming the new one. I have definitely ruined a few!

  5. Cynthia,
    I had breast cancer three years ago and spent a lot of time watching your wig reviews. They were so well done and got me excited about wigs. Inspired by your videos, I went crazy for wigs and had a great time trying many different styles and colors. I was able to have fun and that made a terrible period of my life a lot better. Watching your videos and daydreaming about wigs helped stave off boredom while I was hanging around the house sick from chemo.

    I’m glad I was able to find your blog so I could thank you. You put so much care and effort into your video reviews and they are really good! You made a difference in my life and I thank you so much!


    • Thank you so much for your comments, Peggy! How kind of you to take the time to share this with me. I am glad you are now well and I hope you stay so for years to come! 🙂

  6. Hi Cynthia –
    A few years ago I came across your videos and I bought my first Brandi followed by Shilo, both of which I love and would never have tried had it not been for you and your super helpful videos. 😀 I’ve since tried branching off to other brands with little success. In your videos, you sometimes mention FB groups with impromptu classifieds. Today I received a Julianne by Jon Renau in 6/33 and I think I would prefer going back to longer styles. Do you by chance know anyone who might be interested in buying it? In the past, eBay has been a bust for me so I thought you might know of a better way. Thanks in advance! — Sarah

  7. Hi I’m a new wig wearer bc of severe thinning of hair. I’m now recovering from a hysterectomy and binge watching your wig videos! Love them so much and I think your truly a chameleon! The wigs all look great on you!

    Your blog is wonderful, please kp it up!

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